- Topic: Behavior Evaluations, Behavior Surveys, Breeds and Behavior, Visual Breed Identification
- Type: Summary and Analysis
- Authors: Alexa Hammond, Daniel Mills, Malgorzata Pilot, Thomas Rowland
Summary and Analysis: This paper is included because it comprehensively evaluates every study to date that has made validity, and/or reliability, and/or predictive ability claims about animal shelter canine behavior evaluations.
The paper is included in the discussion because differences between breeds were found, and the methodology with regard to breed differences demonstrates how potentially confounding variables make these conclusions suspect.
This study researched the impact of excluding food guarding from a standardized behavioral canine assessment in animal shelters.
Using a detailed hypothetical with statistics drawn from the canine literature, the authors explain why behavior evaluations are “no better than flipping a coin.”
This study is included because the assessment developed has been adopted by other researchers due to its brevity and reported validity.
This is a two-part study that investigated factors that might mediate “aggression,” “fear,” and “anxiety” on behavior evaluations of shelter and pet dogs.
This study is an interesting attempt at combining a retrospective and prospective approach to validating a behavior evaluation.